Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Mystery of Black Holes in Space

Scientists will reveal mysteries of outer space, the discovery of super massive black hole from the early days of the universe, is expected to alter the physical sciences.

MYSTERY black holes scattered in the sky off the concept is said to match the strange events that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, where ships or aircraft crossing the territorial waters vanished suddenly.

However, the black hole is like a giant hole, wider than the size of the sun and the sky in the sky suck anything that approached planets. In fact, the strength of the pull is causing light not voting strength was also not able to escape.

The mystery that surrounds the black hole incident was however only able to be studied from a distance because of the ability of science and technology, real human beings are still not able to bring them up to the hole.

Using telescopes and observations of the stars who adapted well to a variety of physical laws that are around the earth, the various theories put forward to fill the vacancy in the room answers coined the natural mystery.

This theory astronomers used is the same theory used vacuum gas - the power of the black hole occurs because of the pull of gravity into the pit was very strong compared with the pull around. Instead, anything that had come to be suctioned.

However, gravitational forces 'exceptional' and very powerful. It said if the force of gravity that form on earth, he would make the size of the planet into a small ball of radius about one centimeter.

Actual black hole theory put forward more than 200 years ago. In 1783, Western scientists, John Mitchell theorize about the possibility of his form after he examined the black hole Isaac Newton's theory of gravity.

He believes if the object thrown straight up will be separated from the influence of the earth's gravity after reaching as far as more than 11 kilometers per second, then of course there are other planets or stars have gravity larger than the earth.

However, the words 'black hole' was first used American physicist John Archibald Wheeler in 1968. Wheeler gave the name because black holes can not be seen, light co drawn into it so that the surrounding area becomes dark.

According to the theory of stellar evolution, the origin of the black hole is a kind of blue star has a surface temperature exceeding 25,000 degrees Celsius. When burning hydrogen in a blue star which takes approximately 10 million years completed, he became a giant blue star.

Then, the star was cold and swapped the red giant. In that phase, due to its own gravitational pull, red giant experienced tremendous explosion called Supernova and produced two types namely Star Neutron stars and black holes.

Observations of X-ray telescope in space for more than a decade, shows the strength of the gravitational pull of the hole caused no stars are destroyed and swallowed by it.

Prior to this, astronomers have seen how black holes suck in gas floating around. Gas is sucked it into heat that emits radiation in a range of wavelengths, from radio waves to waves rather than visible light and X-rays.

Based on the observations, astronomers from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany, ever seen a star approaching giant black hole eventually disappeared into the hole.

Giant black hole is seen that central galaxy RX J1242-11 budgeted a distance of 700 million light years from Earth. Save a black hole that also has the size of the sun of our solar system.

Star was destroyed bit by bit and sucked into the hole for a few days. In the first rank, the star loses gases that are around him.

After that, it became a hot star to millions of degrees Celsius and disappeared into a black hole. In the process, he unleashed a strong force that is equivalent to the power generated by the supernova explosion.

Astronomers confirms the position of the black hole by observing the light around stars or of gas in space. If somewhere it is not seen the light but in the vicinity there are many celestial objects toward one point at a high speed before it is lost, then the point is marked as a black hole.

There are many black holes throughout the universe in fact there is a theory that says in the Milky Way galaxy also include a black hole. Precisely the same issues arise, if the sun and the planets, including the earth surrounding it will be called the black hole?
 Astronomers give an answer, 'no' because the value of other galaxies, black holes in the Milky Way is said to be in a state of quiet because few objects around which sucked.

The mystery that surrounds the black hole will continue to attract the interest of astronomers so that the correct answer was obtained. While humans have not been able to venture far into space, at the same answer it failed to obtain and various theories without any evidence presented will continue to 'solve' the mystery of nature.

Fact: Black Holes

Known as the 'black star' and 'singularity'.

Discovered in 1783 by John Mitchell.

The extent exceeding the size of the sun.

Suck up anything around her, including stars and light.

Straw theory result in a black hole's gravitational pull is stronger than the surrounding area.

The theory states it is due to the eruption of Supernova red giant.

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