Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Ecosystem; Definition, Types, Levels, and Inter Component

Material Ecosystem
a. Definitions Ecosystem
A relationship of interdependence between the living and the environment (non-living beings) to form a system called an ecosystem. Examples of ecosystems are forests, fields, rivers, lakes and seas. Branch of biology that is specifically studying the ecosystem is the science of ecology, which is the study of the interrelationships between the living and the environment.

Ecosystems also defined as a functional unit, which includes biotic and abiotic components of a specific area. An ecosystem is a natural community that interacts with one another, with the physical and non-physical factors, such as solar energy, air temperature, wind, humidity, water, soil and so on.

b. Division of Ecosystem
In the science of ecology, the history of the ecosystem can be divided into three, namely:
1). Natural ecosystem, the ecosystem is formed naturally without human intervention act. Eg forest ecosystems and marine ecosystems.
2). Artificial ecosystem, the ecosystem formed by the act of human interference and in accordance with human purpose with a specific purpose. Examples of this ecosystem is the ecosystem of paddy and orchard ecosystem.
3). Ecosystem succession, is formed ecosystem begins with the destruction caused by natural disasters. Examples of ecosystem succession ie ecosystems that occur in volcanoes from the eruption of the volcano.
Ecosystem succession classified into two, namely:
(A). Primary succession, is a succession happens if home communities disrupted. This disruption results in loss of the home communities in total so that on-site home communities formed a new habitat.
(B). Secondary succession, that if anything the community or disrupted natural ecosystems, both natural and artificial (as the activity of human activity), and the disorder do not damage the growing point total organism so that the substrate long they last.

c. Levels in Human Beings
At the ecosystem level there are living things, namely:
1). Individual
The individual is the unit of a single living creature. One individual called lotus stem, as well as humans. A man called individual.
2). Population
The population is a collection of similar living creatures that live in the area settled tertentu26. Examples of the rat population in a rice field, and the human population in the city of Semarang. Populations are always changing from time to time. If the population of a species change, then the population density will also change. Thus it comes about population changes.
Changes in population density of organisms in an area influenced by the following factors:
 (A). The growing number of people, because there are individuals born (birthrate) and who came from elsewhere (immigration).
(B). Decreasing the number of people, because there are people who die (mortality) and leave or move to another place (emigration)
3). community
Community is all living beings who live in the area or the same neighborhood. For example the rat population, the population of snakes, lotus population, the population of rice, is a member of the community rice field ecosystem.

d. Relationships between Ecosystem Components
Ecosystem consists of components that influence each other, namely:
1). Role of Abiotic components
Abiotic components are the components do not live in an ecosystem that affect living things include land, air, sunlight, water temperature and so on. Every living thing requires abiotic components for survival.
2). Role of Biotic Components
Biotic components are the biological environment that includes all organisms that affect the lives of individuals, populations, or species. Based on how to obtain their food, biotic components in an ecosystem are divided into three groups, namely producers (producers), consumers (users) and decomposers (decomposers).
(A). Producer
All manufacturers can produce their own food so called autotrophic organisms. They are capable of forming organic substances from simple inorganic substances. The formation of these foods can be via photosynthesis with the help of light energy and chlorophyll. Which includes the organisms producers are all green plants that have chlorophyll, such as rice, maize and grasses. Here is the process of photosynthesis:

(B). Consumer
Based on how to get the food consumers have certain levels that include first-level consumers, usually occupied by herbivores. Consumers second level is occupied by carnivores. While the level III also occupied by carnivores.
All consumers are unable to make the food in his body so-called heterotrophic. They get organic substances that have been established by the manufacturer or from other consumers who become prey. Organic substances are used by consumers as a source of energy.
(C). Decomposition
Decomposers that special consumers who take the food from carcasses or living creatures that have died. Bacteria and fungi are decomposers living beings.

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